What Does Labor Day Mean to You?

Officially, Labor Day is an American holiday that celebrates the economic and social contributions of workers.

Unofficially, Labor Day signifies a changing of the seasons – as the weather cools and kids return to school, their lazy (or not so lazy) days of summer reach their end. Soon, young students will be swapping skateboards for notebooks and pencils, and their bathing suits for khakis and backpacks.

Kids have to get used to, once again, waking up early, going to bed early, and balancing their time watching television and playing with friends so they can finish their homework and study for tests. Meanwhile, college students are likely leaving the comfort of mom & dad’s home, packing their bags and heading off to their new dorm room or apartment as they work toward becoming part of the workforce that contributes to our country’s heritage of free enterprise.

Whatever your perspective on this holiday, Labor Day symbolizes exactly what the name says: celebrating the labor of working hard (whether in school or at a job) and contributing to America’s spirit of productivity.

So, in honor of Labor Day and all that it stands for, it seems appropriate to throw one last party as the seasons change. And, there is no use lamenting that summer has gone; instead, let’s celebrate the times we’ve had and the metamorphoses the following months will bring.

Parties have their own way of conjuring up an overabundance of preconceived notions about what they should offer, what people should do at them, and, frankly, all of the preparation and work that go into hosting them. Let us help you a little… a party doesn’t have to be filled with the usual unhealthy, greasy party foods. While cupcakes full of added sugar and fried chicken rich in calories and taste are mainstays of many parties and picnics, your Labor Day bash can be a perfect setting to serve foods that actually increase productivity, energy and healthy living (while still tasting decadent…real-fruit smoothies come to mind, as well as made-to-order grilled chicken wraps).

And, with all that extra energy your food provides, you can infuse your party with physical activities and games that further encourage a nourishing and fun lifestyle.

Here’s the best part – Tropical Smoothie Café can cater your party, so all you have to do is have fun with your friends and celebrate a day of not working! How’s that for shattering your preconceived notions of the work that goes into a party? Now, that’s worth celebrating.

Posted on August 30, 2012, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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